Affiliate Foundations

The Siouxland Community Foundation’s commitment to the residents and communities of the greater Siouxland tri-state area and beyond includes a commitment to promoting philanthropy and allowing donors to target charitable giving at home. Establishing and providing affiliates with administrative and technical assistance is an effective component in carrying out that commitment.

To apply for a grant from one of the affiliates click the name of the affiliate below.  Information about the affiliate foundation along with the grant criteria and guidelines will be listed with the link to the online application.


Who establishes the Affiliate?
In general, an affiliate can be established by an individual or volunteer group of individuals that has a vision for the future of their geographic area, or an existing community foundation can elect to affiliate under the Siouxland Community Foundation.

What is the purpose of an Affiliate? 
The purpose of the Affiliate is to attract gifts from individuals, families, businesses, private foundations, charitable trusts, civic associations, and nonprofit organizations for the exclusive benefit of a specified geographic area (community, county, etc.). Affiliation with the Siouxland Community Foundation allows donors to target charitable giving at home by building permanent endowments, the income from which is used to help meet the communities (or county’s) ever-changing needs. For tax purposes, the Affiliate operates under the umbrella of the Siouxland Community Foundation – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that are certified by the National Council on Foundations and the Iowa Council of Foundations as a qualified community foundation that meets national standards.

Who decides how the income is distributed?
An advisory board composed of area residents reviews all grant requests and makes recommendations to the SCF Board of Directors for grants from Affiliate funds.

Who benefits from an Affiliate Fund?
Affiliate Funds exclusively and perpetually benefit the county/community for which it was established. Grants from the Fund, for example, can assist charitable programs that address present and emerging community needs; focus support in a particular field such as education, human services, the arts, healthcare, or help support charitable organizations and institutions that provide services vital to the quality of life within the specified geographic area.

What are the benefits of affiliating with the Siouxland Community Foundation?

    • –  No need to set up a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization– avoid startup costs.
    • –  Avoid the annual cost of an audit and preparation of 990 tax returns.
    • –  No need to meet the IRS public support test – will qualify under the Foundation’s public charity status.
    • –  No day-to-day administrative duties of gift receipting, donor records, invoicing of pledges, fund accounting, grant tracking.
    • –  No need to establish governing policies for investment, grant making, gift acceptance – already in place with Siouxland Community Foundation.
    • –  Access to knowledgeable staff for questions, ideas, and technical assistance in establishing grant and scholarship programs, evaluating proposals, marketing, and fundraising.
    • –  Access to templates for brochures, flyers, and other communication materials.
    • –  Assistance with various planned giving instruments.
    • –  Pooled assets with other funds of the Siouxland Community Foundation allow for greater investment diversification.
    • –  Listed in Foundation’s Annual Report with fund (& any sub-funds), grants awarded, and donors.
    • –  May be eligible to apply for a matching grant from the Endow Iowa program.
    • –  Residents are able to start leaving a legacy for their community immediately!

There is so much more we’d like for you to know. For more information and ideas on ways to integrate your financial planning with charitable giving, ask your financial advisor or contact the Siouxland Community Foundation.

Learn more about…
Endow Iowa
County Endowment Fund Legislation