Professional Advisors

Partners in Philanthropy . . .

The Siouxland Community Foundation works closely with attorneys, accountants, financial planners, bankers, and life insurance representatives to help their clients realize their charitable objectives and personal interests. The Community Foundation helps to integrate charitable giving within estate and financial plans, facilitate anonymous giving, and assist with complex gift instruments.

As a professional advisor do you ask yourself, “How can I recommend charity without recommending a charity??”

The answer is simple. Talk to your clients about giving through the Siouxland Community Foundation.

Estate planners, financial planners, and other professional advisors are often faced with a delicate dilemma: you would like to discuss the many benefits of charitable giving with your clients, but you want to avoid recommending specific charitable causes or organizations.  Fortunately, there’s an easy solution.  It’s the Siouxland Community Foundation. A community foundation is a single, trusted vehicle your clients can use to address the issues they care about most, while gaining the maximum tax benefits under state and federal law.  At the Community Foundation we offer a variety of giving options.  It’s just one way we can help you help your clients achieve their goals, while you enhance and protect your important relationship with them.

Professional advisors can help their clients by listening for charitable giving opportunities, explaining options, and suggesting solutions. The Siouxland Community Foundation can support you and your clients in the charitable giving process. We can help:

      • –  Identify your clients’ charitable giving interests and motivations
      • –  Match personal charitable interests with tax planning needs
      • –  Create charitable plans that are integrated into major business personal, and financial decisions
      • –  Facilitate complex forms of giving
      • –  Provide information on community needs – and on the local agencies and programs that make a difference in the areas your clients care about most
      • –  Deliver grant making expertise and a range of administrative services related to charitable giving

There is so much more we’d like for you to know. We can help you help your clients achieve their charitable giving goals. We welcome the opportunity to work with you and invite you to contact the Siouxland Community Foundation.

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