Ways to Give

The Siouxland community benefits from both large and small gifts given through the Community Foundation. You don’t have to be wealthy to make a difference. You can have a lasting impact on the quality of life in Siouxland, right here, right now, and for years to come. Gifts to endowment funds are gifts that continue to enhance the quality of life in Siouxland year after year. For good. For ever.  

All contributions to the Siouxland Community Foundation are deductible to the greatest extent allowed by law. Choose from the following options for giving through the Community Foundation to make a lasting difference in Siouxland:

CASH – The easiest way to contribute and may qualify for maximum allowable income tax deductions. Checks should be made payable to the Siouxland Community Foundation and may be designated for a specific fund currently administered by the Foundation.

SECURITIES – Marketable or closely-held securities may be contributed and you can deduct the full fair market value as a charitable contribution, thus avoiding capital gains tax on the appreciation.

REAL ESTATE – Gifts of real estate afford the same tax advantages to you, the donor, as gifts of appreciated securities – a deduction for the appraised value and avoidance of capital gains tax on the appreciation. In some instances it may be beneficial you to make a gift of future interest in a residence while retaining a life interest for yourself and spouse.

LIFE INSURANCE – Can be used to fund a gift at relatively low cost to you. You can gift a new policy or turn over an existing policy and name the Community Foundation as owner/beneficiary. By assigning ownership to the Community Foundation, you receive an immediate income tax charitable deduction in the amount of the policy’s present value. Additional premiums gifted to the Community Foundation are tax deductible, and proceeds pass to charity free of estate tax.

BEQUESTS – After providing for loved ones, you can make bequests to the Community Foundation in your will or trust. Federal estate and state inheritance taxes are saved and the good works you care about continue to benefit through a legacy created in the Community Foundation.

CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUSTS – A future gift may be made through a charitable remainder trust that pays a lifetime income to you or to a family member. Upon your death or the named beneficiary, the remainder passes to the Community Foundation to create a fund for whatever charitable purposes you have specified.

CHARITABLE LEAD TRUSTS – Converse to a charitable remainder trust, you may create immediate income to a specific fund in the Community Foundation for a period of years, with the remainder returning to you or, with proper estate planning, passing to children or grandchildren.

RETIREMENT PLANS – You can use retirement plan assets [401(k), 403(b)] to create a fund in the Community Foundation.

PRIVATE FOUNDATION TRANSFER – Existing private foundations may choose to transfer assets to the Community Foundation. By doing so, gain public charity status and avoid the excise tax, payout rate, federal and state tax returns, and other administrative costs or tasks that burden private foundations. And there is the satisfaction of knowing that a permanent organization is in place to administer the fund in perpetuity.

There is so much more we’d like for you to know. For more information and ideas on ways to integrate your financial planning with charitable giving, ask your financial advisor or contact the Siouxland Community Foundation.

Siouxland Community Foundation’s Tax ID: 42-1323904
Mailing Address: 4425 Singing Hills Blvd., STE 100, Sioux City, IA 51106
Access our Online Giving Portal HERE

Click here to view our Gift Acceptance Policy.