Excellence in Education

Application Available: September 1
Application Deadline: Noon, November 1
Final Determinations: 2nd week December

TEACHER MINI-GRANT PROGRAM – Encouraging Educational Excellence
The Siouxland Community Foundation strongly believes that our children are the future and that quality education is of paramount importance to their success. To that end, the Foundation led fundraising efforts to establish a fund known as the Excellence in Education Endowment Fund. Mini-grants are awarded from income generated by the Fund to provide financial resources to teachers typically not available through traditional school or district sources.

Recognizing that teachers are pivotal in our children’s education, mini-grants for innovative classroom projects benefit students directly by providing enhanced educational opportunities.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the program is to assist teachers by providing grants for innovative projects that improve student learning and make a positive, long-term impact in the classroom.

ELIGIBILITY: All TK-5 teachers and instructional staff from public, private and parochial schools within the school districts serving Sioux City, Iowa; South Sioux City, Nebraska; and North Sioux City, South Dakota are eligible to apply.

Teachers may apply individually or as part of a team of teachers within one school. Collaborative applications are encouraged and will be given greater consideration. All applications must be approved by the school’s principal.

EVALUATION CRITERIA: Priority consideration will be given to proposals that:

• Promote the grade level reading initiative
• Introduce or adapt an innovative or creative approach
• Improve student motivation and achievement
• Encourage active student participation
• Expand teaching strategies
• Address current challenges or issues

Grant applications submitted for the following will not be considered:
• Electronic devices that do not have a clear concise objective to improve a specific educational skill
• Replacement electronics
• Field trips which are not an integral part of a proposed innovative activity
• In-service training for teachers
• Applications submitted by booster clubs or special interest groups

Grants up to $500 will be awarded to individual teachers, or up to $1,000 for a team of teachers or a project that will benefit a school’s entire student body. Grants will provide resources to teachers that are not available through traditional school or district sources.

Only one grant will be awarded per teacher, per year.

Grants can include funding for equipment, materials and activities. All equipment and materials purchased with grant funds shall become the property of the school district.

Grant recipients are required to provide the Foundation with a final report detailing expenditures and grant achievements.

Excellence in Education – Grant Application 

2023 Grant Recipients